Digi Pak - Front and Back Cover

/ Wednesday 27 February 2013 /

This is front cover of the album so far.

Most obviously, due to circumstances with our actress we cannot use her as the artist and are having to reshoot a section of the video because of this, and this also means I will have to retake the photographs for these ancillary tasks, however they will be taken the exact same as the ones here but with a different person. 

The credits text needs to be made smaller.

I need to add the artist name along side the album name.

This is the inside cover so far.


Again obviously the photographs need to be of our new model. 

I want to add something to the top right of the left half of the inside however when I retake the photos of the new model I will try one where she fits completely in the box at the same size, so her arms are less spread out, as well as retaking the one the same as this in case it doesn't work.

I want to add the song names in a spiral or at least a circle around the CD because I think it will look more complete.


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