I had both an open and closed questionnaire so as to get specific results and some more in depth information about our final construction.
To gain audience feedback as a class we held a screening of all our work. To gain awareness for this we set up a facebook event, as it was a quick and simple way of inviting lots of people to come and watch.
I asked a few who attended to answer some questions on camera.
Results of the closed questionnaire were as follows:
Audience feedback has opened my eyes to some of the negative aspects of our project, it's something you as a creator do not necessarily see as you are so immersed in your own work.
Something that screamed obvious through the open questionnaires was the issues we had with lip syncing, until it was pointed out to us I didn't really notice how the lip syncing wasn't working as well as the rest of the product. The match of time was spot on, but the way our actor sang was quite nervously and so the power of the song was not portrayed.

Another thing was the narrative, after explaining the storyline to people it became clear, and the fairytale aspects were well recognised, however I would have preferred if the whole plot was understood by everyone watching it and not just the majority.
However there were many elements I was pleased that the majority of the audience liked, for example the shot types, and although the narrative had some lack of understanding, all of the audience enjoyed watching it and would recommend the video to friends and in some ways that is more important.